The LadyBosses > Mutiara Anissa
WomenWorks Mentor -Mutiara Anissa
Mutiara Anissa
Biomedical Scientist

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About Me

Mutiara or Muti is a biomedical scientist and researcher, specializing in cancer biology. She currently teaches Microbiology and Genetics at the Indonesian International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L). Previously, she was a Research Assistant in the Genomic Laboratory of the Mochtar Riady Institute of Nanotechnology for 4 years. With her knowledge in epidemology, Muti co-initiated Pandemic Talks, a digital platform that strives to share information and data on the Covid-19 pandemic based on scientific and medical views. She obtained her M.Sc in Cancer from University College London.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)


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My Hobbies & Interests:

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One Thing About Myself Outside of Work

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Communities and teams I could introduce you to:

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My expertise consultation mentorship topics:

CV & Interview coaching
Career consultation for first-timers

Webinar topics I can share on:

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My Availability

Mutiara Anissa is available for speaking engagement and corporate/ social collaborations. She’s also open for mentorship for Kickstarters, Comebacks

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